Rogue River

The Rogue River in southern Oregon flows about 215 miles starting at Crater Lake and emptying into the Pacific at Gold Beach, just north of the California border. There are many float options on this full day of fishing. This is a big river with good runs of both Chinook and Steelhead running throughout the year.

Chinook on the Rogue

The spring run of Chinook on this river has native and hatchery springers averaging 15 to 18 pounds, with opportunities for fish at 30 pounds or more – and many in between. The fall natives average 18 to 20 pounds with chances at fish 40 pounds or more. Spring runs begin in May and are targeted in the upper river near Shady Cove through July. Late-run springers are fall run and are targeted near the towns of Gold Hill and Grants Pass during August and September. The most successful tactics I've used for Chinook on the Rogue include pulling plugs and back bouncing.

More About Chinook Salmon >

Steelhead on the Rogue

The Steelhead here are both natives and hatchery, averaging 6 to 8 pounds, with opportunities at 15 pounds or more. The winter run generally enters near Grants Pass starting in February and fishes into April.The most successful technique I've used for Steelhead on the Rogue include pulling plugs and side drifting.

More About Steelhead >

My Impression

I've been fishing the Rogue for more than 25 years. This is where it all started for me and where I learned to love fishing the coastal rivers. It’s a great place to fish and where I spent a lot of my early fishing days.


More about the Rogue River from Wikipedia.